Monday, August 19, 2013

Oldies but Goodies

Sometimes the greatest outfit can come from a shirt you wore five years ago. Okay, okay. If the shirt looks like you may have been through a time warp, then no, it may be time to give the shirt to Goodwill. Although, occasionally you come across a gem of a shirt you forgot you ever had. Mix and match old pieces of your wardrobe and, voila! You have just created a brand new outfit without even hitting the mall. This is great for many reasons. First off, it keeps your wardrobe fresh, new, and unexpected. Putting outfits together can be fun if it's treated like a puzzle. Experiment with different pieces. They may not always fit together, but when they do, it's the ultimate victory. Also, experimenting with old pieces can be a huge money saver. Go through your closet to find new, hidden items. You will feel as if you are getting something new without spending the money. Score! With the change of the season, experiment with your style. Fashion is a game worth playing.

Until next time,

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